Home » From the Pnrr to the aid decree, the Draghi agenda until autumn

From the Pnrr to the aid decree, the Draghi agenda until autumn

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From the Pnrr to the aid decree, the Draghi agenda until autumn

The new aid decree, to continue to protect families and businesses from the rush of inflation and the increases in gasoline and bills amplified by the war in Ukraine. But also the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine, which could lead to the need for new arms shipments to Kiev. There are still many “things to do” for Prime Minister Mario Draghi and his resigning government until the next elections scheduled for 25 September. The appointments on the agenda also include the international summits already scheduled, from the annual UN assembly in September to the European Council at the end of October. Although the new premier could participate in this appointment and, even more so at the G20 in mid-November.

Avoid the risk of losing European funds

In all likelihood, the executive engaged in ‘current affairs’ will also have to deal with the preparation of numerous decrees implementing the delegated laws already approved or in the process of being approved in Parliament, at least those related to the NRP. Avoiding the risk of losing European funds, in fact, will be the first commitment of the outgoing government, even if, in fact, the first act to which it is called is a directive that circumscribes the areas for “current affairs”.

New aid decree on the way

In the meantime, work will have to be resumed to finalize the new “aid” decree – which should be worth around 10 billion – to be launched between the end of July and the beginning of August. In parallel, discussions with the social partners could continue, with the aim of identifying some measures to protect wages. But the agenda is still to be defined, just as it is not yet certain that, with “current affairs”, the proposal on the minimum wage will be able to be pushed forward.

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Covid emergency to be addressed

One of the urgencies to be addressed, based on the progress of the pandemic, could also be Covid, the management of which will return to ordinary administration: among the priorities the plan to be put in place to accelerate the fourth doses to the over 60s. he had assured that a new cut of the wedge would come later: but in all probability the drafting of the budget law will be left to the next government.

In September, appointment with Nadef

In September, on the other hand, the appointment will be with Nadef which will update the macro-economic framework, without giving indications of the new policies: the document may not have the programmatic framework, but only the trend based on current legislation.

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