Home » Discover the Secrets Behind the Longevity and Happiness of the Japanese

Discover the Secrets Behind the Longevity and Happiness of the Japanese

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Discover the Secrets Behind the Longevity and Happiness of the Japanese

Japanese Secrets to Happiness and Longevity

Have you ever wondered why Japanese people are so happy? Japan has been ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world according to the 2023 World Happiness Report from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). Not only are they one of the happiest, but they also are one of the longest-living populations in the world. What habits contribute to the Japanese living such long and happy lives?

The answer may lie in their nocturnal habits. The Japanese have developed a way of ending the day that allows them to relax their body and mind, sleep deeply, and wake up with energy and optimism. These habits are the result of ancient wisdom, combining tradition, science, and philosophy.

In the West, we are increasingly looking to the East for inspiration and advice to improve our quality of life. What can we learn from the Japanese? What secrets are hidden behind their nocturnal habits, and how can we apply them to our daily routine?

Happiness for the Japanese is based on appreciating the little things, such as contemplating the fall of cherry petals (sakurafubuki) or beautifying objects that have been broken by applying gold on their cracks (kintsugi), a philosophy that is rooted in resilience. Japanese happiness and longevity are also related to the concept of ‘ikigai’, the reason for living or being that makes life worth living since the moment they wake up in the morning.

Ikigai is linked to self-realization and is something intrinsic and spontaneous, making actions not feel like social impositions but rather activities that provide satisfaction. The Ohsaki study from Tohoku University published in The Official Journal of the American Psychosomatic Society discovered that people who have found their own ikigai are healthier, live longer, and enjoy a happier, more active lifestyle. It’s one of the secrets to a long, young, and happy life.

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Japanese lifestyle is a mix of tradition and modernity, reflecting ancient wisdom and technological innovation. They have several healthy habits contributing to their longevity, including following a diet low in saturated fats and sugars, drinking a lot of tea, and practicing the Hara Hachi Bu eating principle.

In addition to their diet and lifestyle, the Japanese have a series of nighttime rituals that help them relax, sleep better, and prepare for the next day. These include having soup for dinner, taking a hot bath, and getting 7-8 hours of sleep. These simple habits are easy to do and very effective in promoting better sleep and overall health.

The Japanese have mastered the art of living long and happy lives through their ancient wisdom and modern practices, providing valuable lessons for the rest of the world. If we can adopt some of their habits and philosophies, we could all stand to benefit and improve our quality of life.

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