Home Ā» Singing and casting a strong voice of the era that has firmly established the consciousness of the Chinese nation’s community-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core leads the innovation and development of national work in the new era

Singing and casting a strong voice of the era that has firmly established the consciousness of the Chinese nation’s community-the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core leads the innovation and development of national work in the new era

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, 26 August

Xinhua News Agency reporter

The dazzling stars light up the boundless sky; the pluralism is one, nurturing the Chinese nation.

As a unified multi-ethnic country, properly handling ethnic issues and doing ethnic work are related to the long-term stability of the country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has focused on the new situation and characteristics of ethnic work in the new era, deeply grasped the new tasks and requirements of the development of the party and the state on ethnic work, and sought long-term strategies and actions. The act of consolidating the foundation, creatively put forward the important thesis of “casting the Chinese nation’s community consciousness”, leading the national work to a new level in the innovative development, and opening up a new realm of the Sinicization of Marxist national theory.

In Yaowanzi Village, Hekou Town, Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, two children play on a hardened concrete road (photographed on February 20, 2018).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Zongyou

The Light of Thoughtā€”ā€”Based on forging the consciousness of the Chinese nation community as the main line, profoundly answer the major theoretical and practical questions of our nation’s national work in the new era, and draw a grand blueprint for the cause of national unity and progress

In the endless history, this moment will be remembered foreverā€”ā€”

On July 1, 2021, at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared to the world: “Through the continuous struggle of the entire party and the people of all ethnic groups, we have achieved the first century-old goal”!

Standing in Tiananmen Square, listening to General Secretary Xi Jinpingā€™s important speech, and feeling the warm atmosphere of the celebration, Wang Yingbin, a representative of the national minority visiting group and a cadre of the Lahu ethnic group from Zhenyuan County, Yunnan, was excited.

“Only under the leadership of the Communist Party of China can the Chinese nation hug each other like pomegranate seeds. I am proud that I am a member of the Chinese nation!” Wang Yingbin said excitedly.

A well-off society in an all-round way is the result of the united struggle of compatriots of all ethnic groups, and national rejuvenation is the glory shared by all Chinese people.

In the long history where the Chinese nation has lived and multiplied, the exchanges and exchanges of all ethnic groups on the land of China have always been a community of shared destiny.

As we progress to the crucial stage of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, our nation’s work is facing new situations and challenges.

Looking at the country, the breadth and depth of exchanges among all ethnic groups is unprecedented, the distribution pattern of ethnic groups has undergone major changes, and the factors affecting ethnic relations have become more complex.

Looking internationally, the world has undergone major changes unseen in a century. Terrorism, separatism, and extremism linger, populism is on the rise, and ethnic issues continue to affect global peace and development.

How to adapt to the new era and create a new situation in national work in our country? General Secretary Xi Jinping has profound thoughts on this major theoretical and practical issue.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has always attached great importance to ethnic work and the development of ethnic regions. Advance.

In May 2014, the second Central Xinjiang Work Symposium was held in Beijing. At this meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward a major thesis on the “community of the Chinese nation.” At the Central National Work Conference held in September of the same year, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly emphasized that “persistence in laying a solid ideological foundation for the Chinese nation community.”

Since then, General Secretary Xi Jinping has explained in depth the profound connotation and significance of the Chinese nation’s community consciousness on multiple occasions. With this as a guide, national work in the new era will be pushed forward in depth.

On the eve of National Day 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping invited 13 outstanding representatives of grassroots ethnic unity from the 5 autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia and Xinjiang to come to Beijing to participate in National Day activities.

On September 30, when meeting with the delegates, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly stated:

“The Chinese nation is a family and we work together to build the Chinese dream. This is the common aspiration of all Chinese people and the common goal of the people of all ethnic groups in the country.”

“The 56 ethnic groups in our country are all equal members of the big family of the Chinese nation. Together they constitute a community of shared future for the Chinese nation in which you have me and you, and no one can do without.”


The coincidence of history contains the inevitability of history. On the same day 66 years ago-September 30, 1949, at the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, 36 representatives of ethnic minorities expressed their sincere recognition and expectation of New China in hot words:

“The goals that our ethnic minorities have struggled for hundreds of years of bloody struggle have finally been achieved today… Seeing the bright and happy future of our ethnic minorities and the Chinese people as a whole, we have indescribable joy and excitement!”

Where the heart is, there is only way and righteousness. In the great struggle to achieve national independence, national prosperity, and peopleā€™s happiness, the blood and hearts of the children of all ethnic groups have flowed together, and the sense of community has increased unprecedentedly, and the Chinese nation has achieved a great awakening from freedom to self-consciousness.

The torch of thought illuminates a new era.

In October 2017, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China formally wrote “to cast a strong sense of the Chinese nation’s community” into the party constitution.

In March 2018, the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress passed a constitutional amendment, and the term “Chinese nation” was written into the country’s fundamental law for the first time.

In September 2019, at the National National Unity and Progress Commendation Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping also pioneered the “four common” historical views of the Chinese nationā€”ā€”

Our vast territory was jointly developed by all ethnic groups, our long history was written by all ethnic groups, our splendid culture was created by all ethnic groups, and our great spirit was cultivated by all ethnic groups.

In August 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping particularly emphasized the great significance of forging a sense of community of the Chinese nation at the Seventh Tibet Work Symposium of the Central Committee. A month later, at the third Central Xinjiang Work Forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again emphasized the need to forge the consciousness of the Chinese nation as the main line and continue to consolidate the unity of all ethnic groups.

From diversity to unity, from respecting differences to enhancing commonality… 56 ethnic groups have formed a whole in diversity, blossomed in the whole, and united under the banner of the Chinese nation, and promoted the Chinese nation to become more inclusive and cohesive. Community with a shared future.

The sense of community of the Chinese nation is the foundation of national unity, the foundation of national unity, and the soul of spiritual strength.

It is the centenary of the partyā€™s birthday. Since the beginning of this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made four visits to ethnic regions for investigations and investigations, continuously deepening and expanding the rich connotations of the theory and practice of the Chinese nationā€™s community consciousnessā€”ā€”

This is a photovoltaic power plant (drone photo) taken at Talatan Green Industry Development Park, Gonghe County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province on August 17, 2020.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Long

In Guizhou, he emphasized that “the Chinese nation is a big family, with 56 ethnic groups and 56 flowers.” When going to Guangxi, he pointed out that “the unity and progress of all ethnic groups and common prosperity and development are the life, strength, and hope of the Chinese nation.” ; Going to Qinghai, demanding “full implementation of the party’s ethnic policy and forging a sense of the Chinese nation’s community”; going to Tibet, pointing out that “we are a Chinese nation’s community, and we must work together to achieve the second centenary goal”…

On the north side of Chang’an Avenue, the National Culture Palace houses a precious exhibit. When it appeared in a large-scale achievement exhibition celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it attracted the attention of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

This is a large silver carved screen. The screen uses carving techniques that have been passed down for thousands of years to vividly portray 112 distinctive figures of 56 ethnic groups. They are holding hands and shoulder to shoulder in front of Tiananmen Square, surrounded by the towering Mount Everest Kunlun, the three mountains and five sacred mountains, the undulating Great Wall, and the endless flowing Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, showing the magnificent beauty of the great unity of the Chinese nation.

The Chinese nation is one family, working together to build the Chinese dream-the theme of the silver sculpture screen is exactly what General Secretary Xi Jinping has for the cause of national unity and progress in our country.

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The journey of the road-holding high the great banner, firm in the right direction, and the correct path of solving ethnic problems with Chinese characteristics is getting wider and wider

In the big game of governing the country, ethnic work occupies an important position. In order to hold the fourth Central Ethnic Work Conference since the founding of New China, in 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping launched intensive investigations and repeatedly listened to and carefully considered the voices from the grassroots.

Go to Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places to communicate face-to-face with ethnic minorities, visit the ethnic elementary school in Haidian District, Beijing, participate in the deliberation of the Guizhou delegation of the National Peopleā€™s Congress, visit the members of the CPPCC and participate in joint discussions…

Take one outline and ten thousand eyes. On the basis of in-depth investigation, General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically expounded the scientific connotation of the correct way to solve ethnic problems with Chinese characteristics at this important meeting for the first time.

This correct path deeply reveals the key to doing national work wellā€”ā€”

The most fundamental aspect of whether ethnic work can be done well is whether the partyā€™s leadership is strong and strong.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: “Only the Communist Party of China can realize the great unity of the Chinese nation, and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can unite, develop and prosper all ethnic groups.” Work leader”.

“As long as we firmly adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, no one or any political force can instigate our national relations, and our national unity and unity are fully guaranteed politically.” The sonorous words guide the national work along the way. The right path keeps moving forward.

This correct path has marked the development direction of the system of ethnic regional autonomy-

ā€œIn the past, the city was very small, and I arrived at the vegetable field within a short distance. Now there are many modern high-rise buildings on the road, and there are more and more big cities.ā€ An overseas Chinese who returned to visit relatives this year was amazed by the changes in his hometown of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.

This is a microcosm of the rapid changes in China’s ethnic autonomous areas, and it also reflects the vitality of the ethnic regional autonomy system from one side.

There was a period of time when there were different opinions on the system of ethnic regional autonomy in society.

In this regard, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out: “The system of ethnic regional autonomy is in line with my country’s national conditions and has played an important role in safeguarding national unity and territorial integrity, strengthening ethnic equality and unity, promoting the development of ethnic regions, and enhancing the cohesion of the Chinese nation.”

Develop in perseverance and perfect in development. As a great achievement of the Chinese Communist Partyā€™s leadership of the Chinese peopleā€™s institutional innovation, the system of ethnic regional autonomy is constantly developing and improving, injecting more vigorous impetus into the cause of national unity and progress in the new era.

This correct path has effectively safeguarded the unity of the motherland and the tranquility of the frontiersā€”ā€”

In Yumai Township, Longzi County, Tibet, Zhuoga (right) tells her daughter Basang Zhuoga the story of guarding the border of the country (photographed on July 10).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Ruibo

June 29, 2021, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Zhuo Ga, from Yumai Township, Longzi County, Tibet, stepped onto the awarding platform with excitement and accepted the “July 1st Medal” personally awarded to her by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Thirty-three years ago, the young Zhuo Ga took the burden of the mayor of Yumai Township and walked on the road to patrol the country. Tired of walking, Zhuo Ga would look up at the snow-capped mountains, remembering that his father was holding the five-star red flag sewn by himself and told her: “Home is Yumai, and country is China.”

Zhuo Ga’s deeds of guarding the border with his family moved the whole country. Today, with the strong support of the state, Yumai has become a well-off town with one township and two villages, with the number of residents increasing from three to more than 200. They live and work on the border, guard the country, and continue to write moving stories.

The border areas of our country are mostly ethnic areas, and doing a good job in ethnic work is of great significance to the tranquility of the border. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized: “We must strengthen the construction of border infrastructure and encourage people of all ethnic groups to take root in the border, protect the country, and build their hometown.”

Under the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee, in recent years, the campaign to rejuvenate the border and enrich the people has been widely implemented in ethnic areas. The production and living conditions of the border residents have been greatly improved, and the cohesion and centripetal force of the people of all ethnic groups have been significantly enhanced. A well-off village with a beautiful environment lights up the long border of the motherland and guards every inch of the sacred land.

This correct path has brought together the strong recognition of Chinese culture among children of all ethnic groupsā€”ā€”

At the National General Language Primary School in Yimamu Township, Wushi County, Xinjiang, Kurban Niyazi tutored students to draw erhu (data photo, taken in November 2018).Xinhua News Agency

“Only with the language can communicate with the culture; only with the culture can communicate with the heart.” This is a saying that Kurban Niyazi, the principal of the National General Language Primary School in Yimamu Township, Wushi County, Xinjiang, often said to teachers and students.

As a member of the national minority tour group, this year, Kurban Niyazi and more than 500 compatriots of all ethnic groups from all over the country participated in activities celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Many years ago, Kurban Niyazi used all his savings to set up the National Primary School of Language in rural areas of southern Xinjiang, opened classes on Chinese studies, and spread Chinese culture.

ā€œA drop of water can only get permanent life when it flows into the sea, and a nation can only achieve sustainable development when it integrates into the motherland family. I will be a disseminator of Chinese excellent traditional culture and a practitioner of national unity and progress.ā€ Kurban Niaz said firmly.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to cultivating the identity of all ethnic groups in Chinese culture, and pointed out that “strengthening the great unity of the Chinese nation, the long-term and fundamental thing is to strengthen cultural identity, build a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups, and actively cultivate the consciousness of the Chinese nation’s community.”

The great national spirit cultivated, inherited, and developed by the people of all ethnic groups has been deeply integrated into the blood and soul of the Chinese people and has become a powerful spiritual driving force for the development and progress of our country.

The road determines the direction, and the direction determines the destiny.

Adhere to the leadership of the party, adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the maintenance of the unification of the motherland, adhere to the equality of all ethnic groups, adhere to and improve the system of ethnic regional autonomy, adhere to the unity and struggle of all ethnic groups for common prosperity and development, and adhere to the idea of ā€‹ā€‹strengthening the Chinese nation community Foundation, adhere to the rule of law…

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, children of all ethnic groups have moved forward along the correct path of solving ethnic problems with Chinese characteristics. Exchanges and fusion have been deepened, living in harmony, mutual assistance, and harmonious development, and the cohesion and centripetal force have been unprecedentedly enhanced. The Chinese giant wheel that carries 56 nationalities cuts through the waves and sails far.

At the resettlement site for poverty alleviation in Sanhe Village, Zhaojue County, Sichuan Province, Yi people, Ma Hairicong, moved to a new home (photographed on February 11, 2019).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Hongjing

The power of practice-all ethnic groups hug each other tightly like pomegranate seeds. In the big family of the Chinese nation, they will kiss each other, watch and help each other, unite and strive for common prosperity and development.

On February 25, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared at the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference: my country’s poverty alleviation battle has won an overall victory.

Thousand years of hope, once the dream comes true. For ethnic regions where poverty alleviation tasks are very heavy, the joy of victory is even more surging.

On the podium, Li Kai, the first secretary of Sanhe Village, Zhaojue County, Sichuan said excitedly to the general secretary: “The folks miss you very much, let me say’Kashasha (thank you)’ to you again.”

“Kashasha!” General Secretary Xi Jinping responded happily and encouraged, “Sanhe Village is very typical and it is not easy to get rid of poverty.”

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to this impoverished Yi village to visit the impoverished people. In Sanhe Village today, new houses with Yi family characteristics have replaced the original simple and low adobe houses, and people’s lives have changed drastically.

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Without a well-off society in ethnic areas, there will be no comprehensive well-off society in the country. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that ā€œto achieve a well-off society in an all-round way, none of the ethnic minorities can be left behind, and none of them should be left behind.ā€

In order to achieve this goal, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has conducted more than a dozen in-depth investigations and investigations in ethnic areas, personally planned and deployed, and personally guided poverty alleviation.

Today, the five autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia and Xinjiang and the three provinces with concentrated ethnic minorities in Guizhou, Yunnan, and Qinghai have all lifted out of poverty in rural areas under the current standards, and all 28 ethnic groups with small populations have all been lifted out of poverty. A miracle in the history of the Chinese nation.

Ethnic work concerns the overall situation, and the economic and social development of ethnic regions has always affected General Secretary Xi Jinping’s heart. He has given important instructions to ethnic work on many occasions, has visited ethnic areas for many times, has extensive exchanges with people of all ethnic groups, listened to the voices of the people, and talked about the development of ethnic areas.

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, ethnic regions have learned their heavy burdens and worked hard to tackle tough problems. Historical achievements have been made in the construction of economic, political, cultural, social, ecological and other undertakings. The urban and rural landscapes are changing with each passing day, and the lives of the masses are thriving.

Forge ideas, catch up, and achieve a new leap in economic developmentā€”ā€”

In the karst mountains of southwest China, the world‘s largest single-aperture radio telescope is constantly “watching” the sky, capturing the information of changes in the universe. And the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, where it is, is quietly undergoing vicissitudes of life.

As the country’s first comprehensive test zone for big data, Guizhou has promoted the deep integration of big data and the real economy in recent years, with more than 20,000 “cloud” companies, and the growth rate of the digital economy has ranked first in the country for five consecutive years.

Development is the master key to solving various problems in ethnic areas. In recent years, ethnic areas have accelerated the promotion of high-quality development and handed in an outstanding report card:

ā€”ā€”In 2020, the GDP of ethnic minority areas will account for 10.2% of the country, and the proportion will be stable and rising. Among them, the GDP of Yunnan and Guizhou are rising in the national ranking;

ā€”ā€” During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the GDP of ethnic regions increased by an average of 6.6% per year, 0.9 percentage points higher than the same period in the country;

– During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, 12.83 million new urban jobs were created in ethnic areas, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the country;


Paving the background for high-quality economic and social development in ethnic areas, my country has become even more successful in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

Water and milk are blended, blood is thicker than water, and national unity and progress present a new atmosphereā€”ā€”

In the Ethnic Home of Fenglingbei Community, Qingxiu District, Nanning City, Guangxi, residents of the community are using a simple loom to make a Zhuang brocade (photographed on July 21, 2020).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Qinggang

Entering the National Home of Fenglingbei Community, Qingxiu District, Nanning City, Guangxi, more than 10 residents are using simple looms to make brocades. ā€œThe community organizes activities such as hydrangea making, cross stitch, paper-cutting, etc. every month. I have lived here for 8 years, and I have already regarded the compatriots of all ethnic groups in the community as family members.ā€ said Tan Yanchun, a Zhuang resident.

In this community of 20 ethnic groups including Zhuang, Yao, Yi, Miao, and Dong, people are harmonious and help each other as a family. Celebrating the “March 3rd of the Zhuang Nationality” and organizing the “Hundred Family Banquet” and other colorful activities, the emotions of the people of all ethnic groups are getting closer and closer, and a picture of multi-ethnic living and sharing is vividly presented.

Fenglingbei Community is a demonstration unit of national unity and progress. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, a total of 960 demonstration units of National Unity and Progress Demonstration Zones were named nationwide.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, all localities have taken the establishment of national unity and progress as their starting point, and have continuously polished the beautiful business cards of national unity and family. All ethnic groups have extensive contacts, comprehensive exchanges, and in-depth integration, and the cause of ethnic unity and progress is making great strides forward.

Eclectic and diversified, the national culture shows new vitalityā€”ā€”

Songs and dances with strong ethnic style and distinctive regional characteristics, ethnic minority dramas, Han local dramas, dramas, operas… The five national minority art performances have been successfully held frequently and brilliantly, vividly showing the various ethnic groups in our country. The inheritance and development of literature and the style of the times have also injected endless vitality into Chinese culture.

As an important part of Chinese culture, the traditional culture of ethnic minorities is the common spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation. At present, more than one third of my countryā€™s items included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List (Roster) are related to ethnic minorities.

Strengthen the rescue, census, sorting, translation and research of ancient books of ethnic minorities, organize a series of theme exhibitions in ethnic autonomous areas; organize national ethnic minority traditional sports games, and set up a stage for all ethnic groups to display their styles, exchanges and mutual learning, and emotional integration…

Cultural gatherings of friends and competition have built a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, and also watered a more beautiful flower of Chinese culture.

People-oriented, people first, people’s livelihood and well-being usher in a new leapā€”ā€”

Housing safety, drinking water safety, medical and hospitalization, and childrenā€™s schooling are all guaranteed, and the peopleā€™s production and living conditions have improved significantly…

The Wa people in Banhong Village, Banhong Township, Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, dressed in festive costumes and sounded the Wa wooden drum (photographed on August 20).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao

In recent days, 10 old party branch secretaries from 9 border villages in Banhong Township and Banlao Township, Cangyuan Va Autonomous County, Yunnan Province wrote to General Secretary Xi Jinping, reporting the situation of the Wa people getting rid of poverty and living a good life, expressing that they have followed the Communist Party for generations. The firm determination to make the hometown more beautiful and prosperous.

“Poverty alleviation is an important step towards a happy life, and we must continue to do a good job in revitalizing the countryside and rejuvenating the people on the border.” On August 19, 2021, in his reply to the old party secretary, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged them to lead the villagers to sing the song of happiness for the Awa people in the new era.

Between Daliang Mountain, a solid steel ladder paved the “magic road” of Cliff Village; to the south of Caiyun, all the organic villages in ethnic areas have hardened roads, and the qualified organic villages are open to passenger cars; under Helan Mountain, millions of immigrants have moved out of poverty. I have replaced my poor job…

People’s livelihood is no trivial matter, and the branches and leaves are always affection. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the cordial care of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, ethnic areas have focused on peopleā€™s livelihood and welfare, committed to improving peopleā€™s livelihood, continuously increasing investment, making up for shortcomings in peopleā€™s livelihood, and making great progress in the development of various social undertakings. .

Sustainable development, harmonious coexistence, ecological civilization draws a new pictureā€”ā€”

“General Secretary, you see, this was recently taken in our hometown.” On the afternoon of March 7 this year, the representative of Kong Qingju, who grew up in Menyuan County, Qinghai Province, in the East Hall of the Great Hall of the People, took out the photos, please participate General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was deliberated by the Qinghai delegation, watched.

One photo is a desert cat walking in the grass; the other is a snow leopard walking in the trees. Rare species that were rare in the past are now appearing frequently.

“This shows that ecological protection has taken effect.” General Secretary Xi Jinping stared at the photos and nodded frequently. “Especially everyone’s awareness of ecological protection has also increased, and we have seen the economic value of ecology itself.”

All things get their lives and live, and each gets their cultivation.

Adhering to the “two mountains theory” of “green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains” and the “wealth view” of “ecology is resources and wealth, and our treasure”, in recent years, ethnic regions have continuously drawn “ecological pictures”. The people of the ethnic group can see the mountains, see the water, remember homesickness, and live and work in peace and contentment in an environment of blue sky, green mountains, clear water, and clean land.

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From Cangshan and Erhai to the vast grasslands, from the north and south of Tianshan Mountains to coastal fishing villages, 56 ethnic groups are singing a happy song, which resounds everywhere.

Long-term governance-fully implement the party’s national theory and national policies, promote the Chinese nation to a more inclusive and cohesive community with a shared future, and jointly draw a picture of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

“The Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people on a new road to achieve the goal of the second century of struggle”!

At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a powerful and solemn declaration to inspire the sentiments of the Chinese people.

The hour hand of history points to a new scale; a great dream opens a new journey.

From building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, what has changed is the goal and node of advancing under the stubborn stubbornness, and what remains unchanged is the unrelenting struggle and determination.

Standing at a new historical starting point, firmly anchoring the main line of the consciousness of the Chinese nation’s community, and focusing on turning “big freehand brushwork” into “gongbi painting”, the cause of national unity and progress in the new era will surely continue to innovate.

To do well in ethnic work in the new era, we must seize opportunities, face challenges, and accelerate the modernization of ethnic regionsā€”ā€”

The green mountains are towering and the clear water is long. In Tongren Village, Huajiang Yao Township, Xing’an County, Guangxi, there is a bridge that is still standing upright after wind and rain.

This “Red Army Bridge” built by the Red Army soldiers and the Huajiang Yao compatriots in the past is now becoming a rich bridge among the people. Every year, more than 1 million local bamboos are sold across the country through this bridge, bringing tens of millions of yuan in income to Yao compatriots.

Only by surpassing the “acceleration” can we drive onto the “fast lane” of development.

It must be noted that the current ethnic regions still have problems such as weak economic foundation, low industrial level, insufficient talent support, and heavy ecological protection tasks. Compared with the developed eastern regions, they are faced with the dual tasks of solving “is there” and “is it good”.

The Chinese nation is a big family, and the whole family must live a good life. On the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, no nation can be missing.

It is a challenge as well as an opportunity.

Visited Guizhou and proposed ā€œpromote the deep integration of big data and the real economy, cultivate and expand strategic emerging industries, and accelerate the development of a modern industrial systemā€;

Participated in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation at the Fourth Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress, demanding ā€œpay attention to the strengths and avoid weaknesses, to improve efficiency, and to go all out to adjust the structure, function, and qualityā€;

Participated in the deliberation of the Qinghai delegation, emphasizing the need to “build a green and low-carbon circular development economic system, and build a modern economic system that reflects local characteristics”;


Since 2021, focusing on the new development stage, the implementation of the new development concept, and the construction of a new development pattern, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally drew a blueprint and clarified the path for the modernization of ethnic areas, and pointed out the way forward for the modernization of ethnic areas and other parts of the country. direction.

To do well in national work in the new era, we must be guided by the core values ā€‹ā€‹of socialism and build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nationā€”ā€”

“The boundary marker cannot be moved at all, and the border land cannot be lost at all.”

In Jigen Township, Wuqia County, Xinjiang, Brauma Khan Maulduo looks at the snow-capped mountains along the border (photographed on October 1, 2012).Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Wenyao

In Jigen Township, Wuqia County, Xinjiang, which is located in the western border of my country, the border guard, Braumahan Maulduo, used his feet to measure the border of the motherland. For decades, she personally carved more than 100,000 “Chinese Stones” in the Pamirs.

Today, Brahma Khanā€™s three sons and two daughters are border guards. The family has no complaints and no regrets, and protects the mountains and rivers of the motherland with lifelong dedication.

“Strengthening the education of socialist core values ā€‹ā€‹among the masses of all ethnic groups and firmly establish a correct outlook on the motherland, nation, culture, and history are vital to building a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups and forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.” President Xi Jinping The secretary pointed out profoundly.

The most important thing in advancing national work is to maintain national unity, and the most effective thing is to unite people’s hearts.

In late July this year, after the partyā€™s centennial celebration, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the snow-covered plateau for the first time on a local inspection, and cordially visited and condoned the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Tibet.

Facing the historic achievements made in the 70 years since Tibetā€™s peaceful liberation, General Secretary Xi Jinping said with sincerity: ā€œWe must strengthen exchanges and integration of ethnic groups, and constantly enhance the people of all ethnic groupsā€™ understanding of the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. The identity of the people, and lay a solid ideological foundation for national unity.”

Culture is the soul of a nation, and cultural identity is the root of national unity. Promote the national policy into teaching materials, classrooms, and minds with the “trickle drip irrigation” propaganda and education, and carry out in-depth and long-lasting work to create national unity and progress. The seeds of loving China will inevitably take root in the hearts and minds of every member of the Chinese nation. Promote the Chinese nation to move towards a community with a shared future that is more inclusive and cohesive.

To do a good job of the nation in the new era, we must gather a strong joint force that inspires the people of all ethnic groups to unite and fight side by sideā€”ā€”

A history of China is a history of the integration of various ethnic groups into a pluralistic and unified Chinese nation, and the history of a great motherland created, developed, and consolidated by all ethnic groups together.

The power of the ship is on the sails, and the power of the people is on the heart. In the final analysis, national unity is the unity of people, and it requires the unity of the whole society.

“It is necessary to consolidate the foundation at the grassroots level, and promote party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions, democratic parties, and people’s organizations to do national work together.” General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly emphasized.

Ethnic work involves all aspects, and there is ethnic work in every aspect.

Strengthen the party’s leadership over national work, give full play to the advantages of the grand united front structure, gather the strengths and wisdom of all parties, and provide a strong political guarantee for the cause of national unity and progress in the new era.

On September 21, 1949, Zhongnanhai Huairen Hall. The first plenary session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference opened.

“We Yi people have always been oppressed and discriminated against… But today we are humans and masters of the country to participate in this unprecedented conference in Chinese history.” Zhang Chong, a representative of ethnic minorities, sighed with emotion.

More than 70 years later, in March 2021, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The second plenary session of the Fourth Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee was held here.

As a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of Maonan, one of the 28 ethnic groups with a small population in the country, Wei Zhenling from Guangxi stood in the hall of deliberative democracy, telling affectionately the story of getting rid of poverty in her hometown.

“I used to think that my hometown would never be connected to the outside world unless a miracle happened. The miracle really happened… Outside the house, the lights were bright, the orchard smelled fragrant, the mulberry trees became forests, the rice fragrant bursts, and the wide roads were smooth and repaired. In every village, clean and clean tap water is introduced to every household…”

Committee member Wei Zhenling said excitedly: “We are full of confidence to move forward bravely towards tomorrow and towards the second centenary goal!”

Those who share the same desire win, and those who help each other are prosperous.

Realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a dream shared by 56 ethnic groups. In the final analysis, it depends on the unity and struggle of the 56 ethnic groups.

We must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, continue to forge a sense of community of the Chinese nation, take advantage of the situation, continue to struggle, and march forward courageously on the new journey of building a modern socialist country, and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Chinese dream! (Reporters Huo Xiaoguang, Lin Hui, Wang Qi, Shi Jingnan, Ding Xiaoxi, Fan Sixiang)

Editor: Zhenglong


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